Saturday, March 15, 2008

Lynnie the Guardian

She's really amazing... I know thats clinche but she's really more than that! Hard to say... Sometimes she's different but sometimes she's herself. More likely, she's unpredictable.

Being with her made me be myself! Thats because she's being honest and full of herself. She can be mean and all but she's really nice and caring and fun! She was always there to listen and always there to talk so much! Her stories can be sad, funny and just to fill the boredom, thats why i enjoy hearing it from her.

To tell you the truth, we're kinda like opposite twin. Its amazing how we get along nicely. It was like she was always there to protect me at times and act like my guardian angel. Actually, I think she is... She's matured and she can get along with most people. Most people who knew her are some that I don't know. It's not suprising since she's social un like me. She's hot tempered sometimes but will eventually forgive someone.

Our family met each other before and they got along as well. We could hear our parents complaining about how we should get serious on our studies. We were always talking about anime and manga before but for now, its either anime, fanfic, bands and lifes.

Lynnie, after I read what you wrote about me, it inspired me to write this one... I should be thankful for you being there for me... You are always my best-est friend ever! I just hope I didn't write anything wrong here and its not going to offend you...
Thank you...
I still want an ice-cream =P

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